We can also propose you some articles as references and keypoints from :
L’enseignement de la littérature à l’ère du numérique Études empiriques au collège et au lycée
Big Data, Societies, and Social Sciences (Dossier)
The Digital as a Separate Third?
MOOCs: What Role for Teachers?
Sociology of the Digital – Dominique Boullier
The Making of Public Opinion in Televised Conversations
Waiting for Robots: Investigation on Click Work
“Robots Will Soon Replace Workers.”
«”Education to” and “Socially Relevant Questions”: Educating in the Anthropocene Context
The Lecture in the First Year of University: Renewed Pedagogical Practices?
The Meetings of Primary School Teachers’ Council: Proposal for an Analysis
Informal Education versus the School Form? ?
The Place and Role of Women within the New Education Movement in Europe in the 20th Century
Teaching Professions in Peril of Uncertainties
Training in Ethics: Challenges and Perspectivess
Training Inclusive Teachers: International Comparative Perspectives
Decentralization, Local Authorities, and School: Toward Local Educational Policies?
Changing School Disciplines? Cross Perspectives. France, Quebec… and Elsewhere
Towards Promoting School Life for Personal Development Favoring Academic Success
Inclusive Societies and Recognition of Diversities. The New Challenge of Education Policies
Descendants of Immigrants in School
The Weight of Stigma in Family Mediation
Family Histories: Memories, Memory, and Transmission
Slave Trade, Slavery, and Writing of History
To Listen to a Child, Let’s Understand Their Drawings
Dossier: Children of Parents with Psychiatric Difficulties
Attachment Disorders and Intersubjective Relationship in Mistreated Children
The Role of Fathers in Families
After Separation: Challenges of Parenthood
Family System and Social Systeml
Family Mediation and Heritage Transmission
The Family Mediator: A Weaver Working Between Laws and Family Stories
-Europe /International-
European Union: Three Scenarios for the Future
Wages Trapped in Inflation: What Public Measures, What Renewal of Claims?
Europe: What Demographic Evolution? What Geographic Dynamics? What Geopolitical Factors?
-Work / Practice Analysis-
“Reflecting on One’s Profession: An Inheritance, a Necessity, an Obligation?” (Dossier)
Modern Slavery or Modernity of Slavery?
What If Expertise Were Collective?
Science, a Social Activity like Any Other? Controversies around Scientific Autonomy
Collective Beliefs (Dossier)